Network Sign in Page Vs. Splash Page- What's the Difference?

Priyanka BhadaniPriyanka Bhadani10/6/2022

What is a network sign in page?

When you sign in to a network, you are typically taken to a sign in page. This is a page that asks for your username and password, and may also contain additional security measures such as CAPTCHA codes.

Benefits of Setting up a Public Wifi Network

First off, what's a public Wi Fi network? Also known as a hotspot, a public Wi Fi network is a wireless network that allows internet access to anyone within range of the signal. Public hotspots can be found in many places, including restaurants, coffee shops, libraries, and airports.

A public Wi Fi network benefits both businesses and consumers. For example, if customers know they can access the Internet for free while at your store or restaurant, they are more likely to come in and spend time there. A public Wi Fi network can also be a great marketing tool.

Here's a roundup of its benefits-

What's a Network Sign in Page?

A network sign-in page is a landing page that allows users to enter their credentials to authenticate and access a network. This page is typically used for corporate intranets, Wi-Fi hotspots, and other secure networks. The network sign-in page usually contains fields for the user's username and password and a submit form. Once the user enters their credentials and clicks the submit button, they should be able to access the Wi Fi network.

The purpose of a landing page is to convert visitors into customers. They perform specific tasks, such as facilitating a newsletter sign-up, collecting customer data, or promoting or selling products and services. For example, a landing page will work properly if it convinces a potential customer that it's worthwhile to provide personal information in exchange for offers like discounts and special deals.

What's a Splash Page?

Often, when they log in to use a business's Free Wifi, customers are first greeted with a splash page. This is a web page that redirects Internet traffic to a particular URL and requires users to take specific action before they are allowed use of the Internet. The splash page is also called a captive portal. It facilitates direct audience engagement at a critical point in the user's Internet experience, and is a powerful media platform that can be used for various purposes.

Customers can only access the guest Wi Fi network through a captive portal. To access the Internet through Wi Fi, customers must supply certain information like their email address or telephone number. Visitors can receive incentives for providing these details. At restaurants for example, they may receive special promo codes for the meal of the day or be enrolment to a loyalty program.

How to Design an Effective Network Sign in Page

If you're looking to design a network sign-in page that works effectively, here are key points to consider-

  1. Keep it simple- A sign-in page should be uncluttered and easy to navigate. Avoid making it text-heavy or adding too many links. It can overwhelm users and make the sign-in process more complicated than needed. Instead, consider using placeholder text to give users an idea of what information you need from them.
  2. Make the form fields visible- Sign-in forms typically require users to enter their username and password. Be sure to make these form fields large so that they are easy to see and fill.
  3. Use clear and concise text- The text on the sign-in page should be easy to read and understand. Avoid technical jargon or long, complicated sentences.
  4. Incorporate branding- Your logo will help users identify your Wi Fi network, so make sure it's prominently displayed on the sign-in page. Include other branding elements of your business, like the brand font, so that users know they are in the right place.
  5. Offer Social Media log-in options- If your site or app allows users to log in with their social media accounts (like Facebook, Twitter, Google or Instagram), make sure those options are prominently displayed on the sign-in page.
  6. Offer secured login- Ensure that your sign-in form is secure by using HTTPS and adding a captcha code or other security measures. It's always a good idea to test your sign-in page with actual users before launching it, to ensure everything works perfectly.

How to Design an Effective Splash Page

A well-designed splash page can be an excellent way to showcase your brand and invite visitors to stay on your site. When designing a splash page, create something that is both effective and stylish.

  1. Keep it short- Because you only have a few seconds to make an impression, it's important to keep your splash page concise and free of clutter. Include only the most essential information, such as your value proposition or offer, and make sure it's easy to scan and understand at a glance.
  2. Make it visually appealing- The splash page aims to grab a visitor's attention and in order to encourage them to explore your site further, ensure that it is eye-catching and inviting. Avoid too much text and complicated designs. The splash page should be visually appealing and easy to navigate.
  3. Have a clear call-to-action- It's also important to include a clear call-to-action (CTA) on your splash page. What do you want visitors to do once they reach your splash page? Do you want them to sign up for your newsletter, download a free e-book, or check out your latest blog post? Whatever it is, make sure your CTA is prominent and easy to find.
  4. Make good use of whitespace- In addition to strong visuals, another way to make your splash page more effective is to optimize whitespace. Leaving plenty of breathing room around various elements will help them stand out and ensure that visitors don't get overwhelmed by too much information at once.
  5. Don't forget about mobile devices- With more people accessing the internet on their smartphones and mobile devices, making sure your splash page looks good on smaller screens is important. Also, avoid using Flash animation or other features that may not be compatible with mobile browsers, and test your page on multiple devices before launch day.
These elements should work together to create a cohesive overall design that instantly communicates what your website is all about.

Advantages of Using Wifi Marketing Software

Wi Fi marketing involves a business reaching out to its customers with branded content via its website and social media. This happens when a customer accesses the business's guest Wi fi network. And it's Wi Fi marketing software that makes this happen.

In today's time, staying connected is more important than ever before. That's why Wifi Solutions like Wi fi marketing software are becoming increasingly popular, allowing businesses the convenience of staying connected with their customers.

Some advantages of using Wi fi marketing software include-

  1. Increased Customer Engagement- By using a Wi Fi marketing software solution like Plum Wi Fi, you can increase customer engagement. Wi fi marketing software lets you connect personally with your customers, building loyalty and repeat business.
  2. Create a database of potential customers- You can use Wi fi marketing software to create a database of potential customers through opt-in forms, making it easier to follow up on leads and close sales later on.
  3. Cost-Effective- Wi fi marketing software is cost-effective compared to traditional marketing methods. It helps you save on printing and advertising costs.
  4. Efficient- Wi Fi marketing software is efficient in terms of time and resources. It's one of the Best Online solutions to target many people in a short period without having to spend much money or involve many resources.
  5. Measurable results- Businesses can track and measure their campaigns to see what's working. It helps them make necessary changes to improve their campaigns for better results.
  6. Direct to customers- Sending push notifications directly to customers' phones is easy. It also gives them instant access to special deals and promotions.
  7. Real-time analytics- Wi Fi marketing software allows business owners to get real time analytics about their customer-base, including age, preferences, spend limits, and so on. This helps businesses curate personalized shopping experiences for them.
  8. Complete control with flexibility- Businesses have complete control over their campaigns. They can easily launch new campaigns, edit old ones, or pause them whenever needed. In addition, Wi fi marketing software allows you to customize your campaigns according to your specific needs and requirements.


Network sign-in pages and splash pages may look similar at first glance, but they serve different purposes. A network sign-in page requires users to enter their username and password before being granted access to the network. On the other hand, a splash page does not require any authentication and can be accessed by anyone.

Splash pages typically contain some marketing message or advertisement and are often used to promote special offers or new products and services. Splash pages are designed to be short and simple. They can be created in a matter of minutes. But when it comes to the network sign-in page, the creation process can be lengthy and often takes more than a few minutes. You should consider consulting a web design expert for more information if you're still unsure about the difference.